About us
Reconstruction of an archaeological costume
VšĮ Vita Antiqua is engaged in research and reconstruction of prehistoric and historical lifestyles. Archaeological costumes are professionally created by Dr. Daiva Steponavičienė and her team of excellent craftsmen trained and mobilized over more than twenty years. Our products are individual, handmade, of high quality, made using ancient technologies. In our institution, you can order both a complete suit and its individual parts, or even courses that allow you to make a suit yourself. The ordered costumes will be reconstructed based on the material of the archaeological monuments in your area, so you will come to weddings, concerts, the Song Festival or other important events dressed up and proud, showing respect for the cultural heritage of your ancestors.
VšĮ "Vita Antiqua" also conducts scientific research, reconstruction and dissemination of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, organizes training in the field of archaic technologies, organizes scientific conferences, cultural festivals, concerts, participates in prominent cultural events in Lithuania and abroad, publishes scientific works (monographs , articles) and popular science publications (calendars, postcards, etc.), music publications (compact discs), gives public lectures on archaeological costume, ancient technologies, symbolism of white signs, folkloristics, etc. topics.

Our story
"VITA ANTIQUA" in Latin means ANCIENT LIFE. The institution was founded in 2006, its founder and director - dr. Daiva Steponavičienė. Since 2006, the institution has implemented many projects.
VšĮ Vita Antiqua has its own gallery, located in J. Basanavičiaus st. 16 (entrance from the side of Mindaugo St.). Exhibitions and educational activities are constantly held there, you can buy a product you like or view fabrics and other products currently woven on antique looms. Our gallery is one of the 12 galleries-workshops participating in the Fine Crafts, Ethnographic Businesses and Fairs program of the Vilnius City Municipality (more).
Our purpose -
to research, learn, protect ancient remains - (pre)historical cultural heritage, restore it - bring it back from oblivion to a new life, create new, modern forms of art and music on its basis.
Our Mission -
to educate the public by informing it about the results of the latest cultural heritage research, to promote respect for the heritage of ancestors.
Our symbol
the cup embodies all three forms of cultural heritage: a handcrafted masterpiece, a vessel into which a precious drink is poured, and spiritual wisdom.
Aat dr. Daiva Steponavičienė
Hi, I'm Daiva.
I have been reconstructing archaeological costumes for more than 25 years, it is my passion and calling. I put it in every suitwith all my heart, I analyze all the possible archeological material needed to create it, I search for the best costumedesign solutions and choose the best craftsmen to make it, so that the end result is unmatched both scientifically and artistically.