Daiva Steponavičienė
Since 2011 - Director of VšĮ "Vita Antiqua".
2009-2010 in November - Employee of the Representative and Cultural Events Department of the National Museum of the Palace of the Rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
in 2008 - Project coordinator of the educational programs and excursions service of the branch of the Lithuanian Art Museum "Palace of the Rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania".
in 2006 December. - Founder of VšĮ "Vita Antiqua", until 2009 December. - director.
in 2004 in November - in 2007 May. – Scientific Research Section of the Vilnius Castles State Cultural Reserve Directorate. man specialist; since 2006 May. - Head of the Department; in 2007 February - March - Head of the Public Information and Publishing Department. specialist; April - May - freelancer.
in 1994 April - 2004 October month. - Archaeologist of the Castle Research Center "Lietuvos pylys".
in 1994 January - March – Ethnologist of the Vilnius Ethnic Activity Center.
1986-1994 - Head of the Rare Books Department of the Republican Martynas Mažvydas Library. bibliographer.
in 2005
Vilnius University
Doctor of humanities, history, archaeology.
Doctoral dissertation on the topic "The luxury of the Lithuanian ruler's Vilnius mansion according to archaeological data (13th - early 16th centuries)."
Faculty of History of Vilnius State University
Master's degree.
Diploma thesis on "Lithuanian folk music, based on written sources and archaeological data" (1986).
J. Basanavičius secondary school
Secondary education
Archaeological research interests
Costume studies: the evolution of ancient Balti archaeological costume; Features of medieval and modern LDK costume; the influence of court and city fashion on the formation of the national costume.
Research and restoration possibilities of material, spiritual and culinary cultural heritage.
Reflections of Lithuanian material culture in the sung folklore and their interrelationships.
The luxury of the Lithuanian ruler's estate and its cultural and spiritual environment.
Scientific activity
Diploma thesis on "Lithuanian folk music, based on written sources and archaeological data" (1986).
Doctoral dissertation on the topic "The luxury of the Lithuanian ruler's Vilnius mansion according to archaeological data (13th - early 16th centuries)" (2005).
Archaeological research in the territory of the Palace of the Lords of the Lower Castle of Vilnius (1994-2004) and the publication of this material in PTC's continuing publication "Vilniaus Lower Castle Palace", "Archaeological research in Lithuania.
Pedagogical field - management of the archaeological practice of Vilnius State University and Vilnius Pedagogical University students in the territory of Vilnius Lower Castle (1996-2004); opposition to the dissertation of Ernest Vasiliauskas at Klaipėda University (2008), review of Viktorija Igliukaitė's master's thesis at the Vilnius Academy of Arts (2011).
The area of the history of archeology is a monograph on the Lithuanian archaeologist Petr Tarasenko.
Organization of scientific conferences (international conference "Culture of the estate of Alexander Jogailaitis" - 2006; "Ruling dynasty and the spread of Christian culture: state, church, society" - 2007; "According to archeology and folklore data of sacred places in the Baltic region" - 2008. ; "The Union of Lublin: Idea and Continuity" - 2009).
Participation in other scientific conferences, reports on issues of archaeology, cultural studies, folkloristics in Lithuania (1985, 1987, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017) and abroad (in Estonia - 1985 m .; in Latvia - 1987, 2015; in Finland - 2000; in Poland - 2002).
Participation in scientific societies - since 1989. Member of the Lithuanian Archaeological Society.
Petras Tarasenka (1892 – 1962): Biographical outline. - Vilnius, 1996.
The luxury of the Lithuanian ruler's estate in the 13th century. in the middle of the 16th century at the beginning - Vilnius, 2007.
Rulers of Lithuania. – Kaunas, 2010. (collective monograph; co-authors Mickūnaitė G., Asadauskienė N., Butvilaitė R.).
Semigallian Archaeological Costume and its Reconstruction Methodical material. – Vilnius-Joniškis, 2014.
Science popularization publications:
Dogwood: A Modern Look at the Middle Ages: [Booklet and CD]. - Vilnius, 2003.
Lithuanian I-XVI centuries. costume = Lithuianian Costume from the 1st to the 16th Century [illustrated 2010 and 2011 calendar]. – Vilnius, 2009 (compiler, project and text author).
Curonian costume I-XVI centuries. = The Curonian Costume of the 1st to 14th Century [illustrated calendar 2013 and 2014]. – Vilnius, 2012 (compiler, project and text author).
XV-XVI centuries junction LDK clothing: reconstruction of Rumšiškėnai costumes [illustrated in 2015 calendar]. – Vilnius, 2014 (author of the text).
Old Lithuanian music (according to archaeological data). Speaker - IV. study D. Urbanavičiūtė. Scientific leader - Assoc. M. Michelbert // Program of the XXXVII conference of the student scientific society dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Faculty of History. V., 1985. P. 13.
Third readings of Mažvydas // Library work. in 1987 No. 2. P. 34-36. (signature: Daiva Puteikienė).
The world of books // Library work. in 1987 No. 4. P. 32. (signature: Daiva Puteikienė).
К вопросу о литовском епосе // Conference of young specialists of the state republican libraries of the Soviet Baltic States: Тезисы пропользов и сообщения (Riga, September 3-4, 1987). Riga, 1987. С. 28. (signed: Д. Путейкене).
In the state republican library // Library work. in 1988 No. 1. P. 21. (signature: D. Puteikienė).
Fourth readings of Mažvydas // Library work. in 1988 No. 2. P. 28-30. (signature: D. Puteikiene, Artūras Dubonis).
Fifth readings of Mažvydas // Library work. in 1989 No. 3. P. 30-32. (signature: Daiva Puteikienė).
Sounding metal jewelry // The legacy of folk creativity in today's culture: materials of a scientific-practical conference in 1987. May 6-7 K., 1989. P. 201 – 204.
Locks and keys in Vilnius Lower Castle // Baltų archeologija. No. 1 (8). 1996. P. 14-15. (Co-author. A. Skučienė).
Royal Palace. Vision // Baltic Archaeology. No. 1 (8). 1996. P. 35.
Another incunabula? // Yearbook of Lithuanian history 1997 V., 1998. P. 441 – 447.
Researches at the southwestern foot of Mount Gediminas // Archaeological researches in Lithuania 1996 – 1997. - Vilnius, 1998. - P. 298 - 301.
Explorations of the southern gate tower of the Palace of the Lords // Archaeological explorations in Lithuania 1996 – 1997. - Vilnius, 1998. - P. 275 - 281.
Locks and keys // Vilnius Lower Castle Palace. T. 4. V., 1999. P. 107 – 115. (Co-author. A. Skučienė).
The image of the bee in Lithuanian mythology and folklore // Folk culture. 2000, no. 4. P. 28 – 33.
The Reconstruction and Scenic Use of Late Medieval Lithuanian National Costume // Conservation without Limits: IIC Nordic Group XV Congress. August 23-26 2000, Helsinki, Finland. P. 243.
The latrines of the palace of the rulers of the lower castle of Vilnius // Kn.: Archeology of Lithuanian castles. - Klaipėda, 2001. - P.184 - 196.
Musical life in the lower castle of Vilnius // LAMMD. History. LII. 2002. - P. 24 - 38.
Some cultural aspects of the Vilnius court of the Lithuanian grand dukes according to archaeological data // LAMMD. History. LIII. 2002. - P. 27 - 38.
Feasts in the Lithuanian ruler's estate in Gothic times (end of the 14th century - 15th century) // LAMMD. History. LIV. 2002. - P. 54 - 59.
Metal clothing details and jewelry according to the research data of Vilnius Lower Castle // Lithuanian archeology. 2003. Vol. 24. - P. 107 - 126.
Southern Gate Tower / Kn.: Palace of the Lower Castle of Vilnius. - T. 5: (1996 - 1998 researches). - Vilnius, 2003. - P. 53 - 64. (Co-author: Romas Racevičius).
Plot in the southeast corner of the Palace of the Lords in 1997 - 1998. researches / Kn.: Palace of the lower castle of Vilnius. - T. 5: (1996 - 1998 researches). - Vilnius, 2003. - P. 65 - 79. (Co-author: Romas Racevičius).
Feasts in the court of the rulers of Lithuania // TV per week. in 2003 May 1st No. 18 (399). – P. 33.
The unique "Fashion Collection" will shine during the anniversary of Mindaugas // TV per week. in 2003 June 26 No. 26 (407). – P. 35. [Unsigned].
Gothic Period Music in the Court of the Lithuanian Grand Duchy // Castella Maris Baltici. Vol. 6. 2004. - P. 197 - 200.
"And the word became flesh" // Woman. in 2004 October No. 10. P. 32 – 33.
What do we aim for with gifts? // Woman. in 2004 december No. 12. - P. 186 - 187.
Why did the ancient Lithuanians burn the dead // Woman. in 2004 november No. 11. - P. 144-145.
Chains of rulers // Woman. in 2004 august No. 8. - P. 22 - 23.
The musical life of the House of Lords: bridges from the present to the past // Museums of Lithuania. in 2004 No. 2-3: Castles, palaces, mansions, homesteads. – P. 16 – 20.
The cultural and spiritual heritage of Vilnius Lower Castle. Medieval costume and folklore group "Sedula" // Museums of Lithuania. in 2004 No. 1: Castles, palaces, mansions, homesteads. – P. 18 – 20.
Paganism, Christianity and syncretism: data from the Lower Castle of Vilnius // Lithuanian Archeology. Vilnius, 2005. Vol. 28, p. 175-190.
Destruction? // Northern Athens. in 2005 March 26 No. 12 (742). P. 10 [response to Vidos Poškaus' article "Destruction" (Northern Athens. January 22) about the cultural layer being destroyed during the construction of the rulers' palace].
Palace of the Lords of the Lower Castle of Vilnius (M 3 northern annex) // Archaeological research in Lithuania in 2002. - Vilnius, 2005. - P. 146-149. (co-author. Gintautas Striška).
Palace of the Lords of the Lower Castle of Vilnius (Area to the west of the northern annex of M 3) // Archaeological research in Lithuania in 2002. - Vilnius, 2005. - P. 149-152.
Investigations of the II Office in the territory of the Lower Castle of Vilnius in 2004-2005. // Archaeological research in Lithuania in 2005. – Vilnius, 2006. – P. 151 – 159. (co-author Povilas Blaževičius).
It is intended to restore the wooden castle // Castles of Lithuania-2005. No. 1. - Vilnius, 2006. - P. 114. (not signed).
Liubart Castle // Castle of Lithuania-2005. No. 1. - Vilnius, 2006. - P. 87. (not signed).
Research review of the House of Lords // Castles of Lithuania-2005. No. 1. - Vilnius, 2006. - P. 16 - 22.
Medieval fair in the palace of the rulers // Castles of Lithuania-2005. No. 1. – Vilnius, 2006. – P. 100 – 102. (co-author: Indrė Jovaisaitė).
Vilnius Lower Castle Garden // Castle of Lithuania-2005. No. 1. - Vilnius, 2006. - P. 33 - 37.
For Vytautas Urbanavičius - 70 or "Ponas Požemis" // Lietuvos pilys-2005. No. 1. - Vilnius, 2006. - P. 105.
International scientific conference "Culture of the Aleksander Jogailaitis Manor" // Castles of Lithuania-2006. No. 2. - P. 88 - 91. (T.P. Lithuanian History Yearbook. 2006/2. - Vilnius, 2007. - P. 215 - 217).
Echoes of the Castle Festival // Castles of Lithuania-2006. No. 2. - P. 98 - 108.
International Scientific Conference "The Ruling Dynasty and the Spread of Christian Culture in the LDK (Church, State, Society)" // Lithuanian History Annals. 2007/2. – Vilnius, 2008. – P. 182 – 184.
Musical Life at the Lower Castle in Vilnius = Musical Life at the Lower Castle in Vilnius. - Kn.: Elena's abduction. Vilnius, 1636. The first Italian baroque opera in Lithuania. - Vilnius, 2009. - P. 34-50.
Castle Festival: Restoration and dissemination of the culture of the Vilnius Manor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. – Kn.: The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania and its Restoration within the Context of the European Experience. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2006 October 11-12, Vilnius. - Vilnius, 2009. - P. 260-269.
International scientific conference "According to the archeology and folklore data of sacred places in the Baltic region" // Lithuanian History Annals. 2008/1. - Vilnius, 2009. - P. 182-185.
Feast and Food at Lithuanian Palaces in the 15th Century // Hofkultur derr Jagiellonendynastie und verwandter Fürstenhäuser=The Culture of the Jagiellonian and Related Courts. - Leipzig, 2010. - P. 39-43.
Music. Theater and opera. – Kn.: Residence of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Vilnius / Comp. Vytautas Urbanavičius. - Vilnius, 2010. - P. 251-265.
International Scientific Conference "Union of Lublin: Idea and Continuity" // Lithuanian History Annals. 2009/2. - Vilnius, 2010. - P.
Costume - the decoration of the Bartholomew fair // Savaitė. No. 31. 2012 August 1 - P. 74.
Methodology of archaeological costume reconstruction. – Kn.: Methods in Lithuanian archaeology. Science and technology to know the past / comp. A. Merkevičius. - Vilnius, 2013. - P. 723-766.
The development of Lithuanian nutrition from ancient times to the 16th century. beginning - Kn.: All of Lithuania at the table: nutrition and food culture from ancient times to the present day. – Vilnius, 2015, p. 14-38.
Reconstruction of the headdress of Sami women of the Middle and Late Iron Age. - Kn.: Experimental archaeology. Reconstruction of Lithuania's material heritage. T. 1 / comp. D. Luchtanienė. – Vilnius, 2015, p. 130-149.
Compiled publications:
Castles of Lithuania-2005 // Collection of articles. No. 1. - Vilnius, 2006.
Castles of Lithuania-2006 // Collection of articles. No. 2. - Vilnius, 2007.
Grand Duke Alexander of Lithuania and his era // Collection of articles [2006 November 9 - 10 on the basis of the international scientific conference "Culture of the DLk Aleksanders Jogailaitis Manor"]. - Vilnius, 2007.
The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania and its Restoration within the Context of the European Experience. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2006 October 11-12, Vilnius. - Vilnius, 2009.
Professional and creative dissemination
Costume reconstructions:
in 2003 – Stylistic restoration of late medieval (XIV-XV centuries) costume (6 women's costumes) and adaptation to the stage (Castles Research Center "Lietuvos pylys").
in 2009 – Stylistic restoration of the costume of the late Middle Ages (XIV-XV centuries) (6 women's costumes) and adaptation to the stage (VšĮ "Vita Antiqua").
in 2009 - Eastern Lithuania I-XVI centuries. creation of a collection of archaeological and historical costumes (12 costumes) (Lithuanian Folk Culture Center).
in 2010 – I-XIV centuries of the Curonian tribe. creation of 2 collections of archaeological costumes (8+4 costumes) (Lithuanian Folk Culture Center, Klaipėda City Municipality Ethnocenter).
in 2011 – Creation of a collection of archeological and historical costumes of the Sele tribe (4 costumes) (Vilnius University).
in 2012 - Creation of a collection of archaeological and historical costumes of the Žemaitsi tribe (8 costumes) (Lithuanian Folk Culture Center).
in 2012 - Creation of a collection of archaeological and historical costumes of the Jotvingiai tribe (8 costumes) (Lithuanian Folk Culture Center).
in 2013 – Creation of a collection of archaeological and historical costumes of the Aukštaičiai tribe (8 costumes) (Lithuanian Folk Culture Center).
2012-2014 - Creation of a collection of Iron Age and Medieval costumes (6 costumes) from the Kaišiadori region (Kaišiadorii Museum).
in 2014 – Creation of late Iron Age costumes (4 costumes) of the Ziemgali tribe (Joniškis Museum of History and Culture, Joniškis Cultural Center).
in 2014 - IX-XIII centuries. Reconstruction of horse clothing (VšĮ Vita Antiqua).
in 2017 - II-III centuries of the Selju tribe. reconstruction of male and female costumes (2 costumes) (Kupiškis Ethnographic Museum).
2017-2018 9th-12th centuries of the Selia tribe. costume collection (12 costumes) (Kupiškis folklore club "Kupkemis").
Another spread:
Preparation of thematic concert programs for school and society (since 1994).
Promotion of folk music at folklore and post-folklore festivals in Lithuania and abroad (since 1994).
Public lectures for educators and cultural workers (since 2007).
Promotion of Baltic culture in Lithuanian and European Viking and medieval culture festivals (since 2008).
Promotion of Renaissance culture at the "Castle Festival" (2006-2010) and Bartholomew's Fair (2011-2014) in Vilnius.
Representation of Lithuania in its embassies abroad (Georgia, Norway, Ukraine, Ireland).
another activity
Publishing activity
in 2017 - in 2018 Compiler of the calendar "Clothing of the inhabitants of Central Lithuania of the Old Iron Age" and author of the text.
in 2016 - in 2017 Compiler of the calendar "Clothes of Lithuanian residents of the Viking Age" and author of the text.
in 2014 - in 2015 calendar "XV-XVI centuries. the compiler and author of the text.
in 2012 - 2013/2014 compiler and text author of the calendar "Curonian costume I-XIV centuries".
in 2009 - 2010/2011 calendar "Lithuanians I-XVI a. costume" compiler and author of the text.
in 2009 - author of the collection of articles "Palace of the Rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and its restoration in the context of European experience".
in 2007 - author of the collection of articles "Grand Duke Alexander of Lithuania and his era".
in 2005 - the initiator and organizer of the annual publication "Lietuvos pilys" and no. Compiler of 1 and 2.
Music CDs:
in 2016 - Rye Face: Friend of 20 Years: Double CD (CD1 "I've Sung All the Songs"; CD2 "Unsent Letters")
in 2014 - Sedula: "Taiso, redo sese brolius", author, compiler and publisher of the text.
in 2010 - Sedula: "On the mountain the linden bloomed", author, compiler and publisher of the text.
in 2008 - Sedula and Intakas: "A beautiful garden in the city of Vilnius", author, compiler and publisher of the text.
in 2006 - Sedula: "The sun has bloomed on Christmas morning", author, compiler and publisher of the text.
in 2003 - "Cedula: a modern look at the Middle Ages", author, compiler and publisher of the text.
in 2003 - Rugiaveidė: Compiler and publisher of "Pūtė vējas žuolaų".
Cultural activities
Since 2015 - artistic director of the folklore ensemble "Vilnius dzūkuliai".
2007-2010 - Initiator and board member of the Vilnius artisan club "Dvaro meistrai" in 2008. - founder of the association.
2006-2010 - Initiator and organizer of the public event "Castle Festival" dedicated to the State Day.
Since 2003 - member of experimental archeology club "Pajauta".
Since 1996 – post-folk singer Rygiaveidė.
Since 1994 - artistic director of the creative folklore group "Sedula".
in 1994 - Organizer of the Vilnius city festival "Pavasario Lygė".